Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Final Countdown

   So I am just about a month away from the trip and I am starting to get super anxious (in a good way!).  I get so giddy thinking about getting to love on all of the little ones in Uganda, and I can feel the excitement in the Lord's plans.  It is starting to hit me though just how long two months is, and sometimes leaves me wondering where I got this crazy idea from in the first place!  
   I finally got all of my shots done, which was probably my least favorite part of the prep.  Who knew the yellow fever shot would leave a baseball sized red spot on my arm for a week and a half?!  Oh well, I guess I am just that 1 in 4.  I was so glad that I was able to go with some of my friends going on the trip, it was definitely an interesting way to bond ha.  
   Fundraising has seemed easy thus far, but I do my best not the think about how much more I need.  I was overwhelmed by the love everyone has shown me in their letters and donations!  It definitely left me feeling blessed and greatly encouraged!!  
   I have had  Jeremiah 29:13 "You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all of your heart." playing in my head these last couple of weeks.  I so desire to get completely lost in the heart of the Lord this summer, and I know He is anxious to grow me through it.  Thanks for your continual prayers for me, I am completely filled with joy over this upcoming trip!!

1 comment:

  1. Here is what I know (being your mom):
    You have always hated flying and this will be a 14 hour flight;
    You were the pickiest eater I know for a LONG time and have no idea what the food will be like in Uganda;
    I distinctly remember two people having to hold you down to give you a shot when you were little because you were so distraught;
    You tend to really like to be in control of what is going on ;);
    Eight weeks is a long time...but when you were waiting to turn 10 (double digits), 16 (sweet!), 18 (legal now) and 21 (really legal), you wanted those eight weeks to fly this case I hope that the time doesn't "fly" so quickly and that you will find yourself engulfed in God's plan for you that you can really feel the time there - like you said above, get lost in the Lord and having your heart break for what breaks His.

    So, with all that being said I can only say that GOD IS BIG!! With him, you can do anything!! Phil. 4:13 tells us that and I believe that He has not only laid out the plan before you, He will walk fully with you during the 8 weeks you are there (and with me while I am missing you terribly!!!). xoxo
