Unfortunately this past week I spent a lot of time in the
hotel trying to get over being sick.
Today is the first day that I am finally feeling better!
On Wednesday we did a small wounds clinic in Namatala. We always see so many people for these, mostly
kids wanting band-aids as stickers. The
team did a great job bandaging up so many wounds and redressing others. Bandaging is not my forte, my stomach doesn’t
do well with blood, so I was the photographer! It is always amazing to me how
fast word spreads in Namatala, in a matter of minutes we are flooded with kids
and parents! Of coarse little Masse
showed up, and with about half of her family ha. It was great to see her
feeling better, but when her little brother Tom showed up it was obvious that
he now had malaria. We tried to give him
something to help but he would scream at the sight of the medicine! Malaria is
so common here, and since so many of them don’t get medicine, we didn’t force
Small wounds clinic |
On Friday we took a trip to see the baboons!(A very bumpy
two hour trip) We were a little nervous
about how they were going to act, but they came right on up and took the
bananas right out of our hands. We spent
most of the time dodging cars and almost begging some of the baboons to come
over. We were told that they just sit on
the side of the road waiting for “lunch” ha. We made our two hour trip back
home just in time to beat the rain! The
best part of this for me was the scenery.
Uganda is such a beautiful country and the mountains have so much detail
its impossible to capture the beauty with a camera.
Baboons and bananas! |
On Saturday we went up to the school to help the kids write
their letters to their sponsors. It is
so cute how excited they get about their sponsors, they all beg for their
sponsors to come visit! After finishing up the letters we went out to walk in
Namatala. Mama Sarah took us to a rice
field to show us what they looked like, it was actually really cool. We had a tiny strip of land to walk on and
either side where the rice was growing was filled with mud and water. We
finished the day by hanging out with Mama Sarah while Becky and Deanna helped
picking the beans!
Deanna and Becky helping with beans! |
Sunday was a typical four-hour service, but playing with the
kids is always great! Today was the last
day in Mbale for everyone but Callie and I so we went to Namatala and the
school to say goodbye to all of the kids.
After playing with the kids at school we came back to the hotel for
dinner, and tonight we had guests! Baby Loru and his family came to join us for
dinner, and hearing his dad’s story was incredible. I can only imagine what it is like to of
known him last year compared to this one.
It is obvious that the Lord is doing great things for that family.
I am both excited and nervous for these last two weeks. I am nervous to be here with just one other
person and without leadership, but I am very excited for all of the ways the
Lord is going to grow and stretch me!
The prayers for my team and me have not gone unnoticed; we have felt so
much love throughout the trip from so many people! I am unsure what my internet
situation will look like when I move into Mama Aida’s, but I will be sure to